Warrior's Whiteboard Wednesday & Virtual Master Class Topic:
Advanced Long Staff & Stick Fighting Class
Did you this week's episode of Warrior's Whiteboard Wednesday where I focused on understanding one possible reason the different staff weapon lengths were developed by our ancient Japanese forefathers? That was the topic, as well as using that same Master's logic for adapting our training today, WITHOUT changing the principles and concepts at all!
If you missed it, here's the full lesson:
If you want to take things further, and explore some techniques and skill sets that demonstrate how to:
1) Adapt an kata or technique for one staff weapon (Bo, Jo, or Hanbo) to the others, and...
2) How to virtually eliminate one of the DISADVANTAGES inherent in the longer staff weapons that, if an attacker knows how to exploit it, can actually be used against you... completely negating the advantages the staff gives you!
Here's the link to register for this week's virtual Ninjutsu Master class from my dojo via Zoom, this Friday evening, August 16th at 6pm eastern, where my senior ranking black belt student, Shidoshi Jason Whistler will be leading students like you through 2 advanced perspectives on staff and stick fighting that will allow you to be more adaptive but, more than that...related lessons that will help you better handle a couple of "what-if" scenarios where, like I said above... the staff's length can be used against you!
I'll be out of town for this one, but I know you'll be in good hands! (This is important stuff... if your focus is on learning more than just kata and stick-spinning maneuvers to impress your friends! 😎)
If you already registered for this week's Master Class, then Shidoshi Whistler will see you during the training. If you haven't registered and don't want to miss out, you can do that by clicking on the pic, or on the link below it to lock in your spot now (remember, there are only 20 available, and several are already gone!):
REMEMBER: The Friday Virtual Master Classes are recorded so, even if life get's in the way and you can't make it for whatever reason... you can still get these lessons!
This special online, live, virtual class is only $9 for the 75 - 90 minute lesson. AND, you also get forever access to the class recording (just in case life changes or you can't make the live class!) That's a steal, considering the usual $35/class group training fee charged for training with a Dai-Shihan... here or in Japan!
Remember though, there are only a maximum of 20 spots available, and several are already gone... so, time and spaces are running out quickly. (If you hit the page and the button is not active... you've missed out on this training opportunity!)
That's it.
I (& Shidoshi Whistler) look forward to training with you very soon!
In Mastery!
Dai-Shihan Miller
Bujinkan Mori no Tora Dojo
Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller is an internationally-recognized self-defense expert, teacher, speaker, and award-winning author. He is a personal student of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th Grandmaster of the Togakure school of Ninjutsu and 8 other classical systems of Japanese combat and personal warrior mastery.
He has trained in the martial arts since 1975, studying a virtual encyclopedia of martial arts - arts like Goju-Ryu Karate, Tae kwon do, Jeet Kune Do, and many others. As a former federal police officer, member of the U.S. Army Military Police Corps, and a private security specialist and violence consultant, his primary focus is on helping to translate these proven, time-tested lessons and skills for use by serious warrior-protectors in the modern world of the 21st century!
His knowledge and real-world street experience through which he filters these lessons, and his direct, personal understanding of what it takes to handle actual, violence and violent people makes him the perfect choice for those looking to develop the ability to protect themselves and others from danger!

New Accelerated "Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense" Online & Distance Learning Program!
Just because you can fight or carry a gun, doesn't mean you have a broad enough skill set or the skill-proficiency to handle any attacker, any fight style, or any threat scenario that could come at you, quickly, efficiently, and with the least amount of wear-and-tear on your in the process! This "foundations" course has more in it than most full programs! Remember: "The one with the most options has the greatest chance for success!" -- Jeffrey Miller
Other Books and Training Resources:
Discover the 3 things that most serious, self-defense-oriented students are missing in their training
The best FREE book on critical self-defense topics that span across many different scenarios.
This official student workbook was created to help my Ninjutsu students stay on track!
Learn the 8 Gates or minimum study areas required in ancient Japan for any school claiming to be teaching Ninjutsu!

Mindset, Life-Mastery, and Warrior Living for the modern protector!
Monday Evenings at 8pm eastern

Strategies and Tactics to Put More Power & "Bite" in Your Techniques!
Wed Afternoons at 3pm eastern
Online Virtual Ninjutsu-Based Self-Protection Training Classes
with Dai-Shihan Miller!
Proven, Time-Tested Lessons for the Modern Warrior-Protector!

Online Coaching Programs
Ongoing Ninjutsu Training & Weekly Group Coaching with one of the longest training teachers and practitioners in the world today!
Study & train directly with Dai-Shihan Miller as one of his elite "Inner-Circle" students. Schedule your complementary coaching call to discuss your training & goals. Email: warriorc@warrior-concepts-online.com

Schedule a complementary coaching call to see if this program is right for you:
email: warriorc@warrior-concepts-online.com
Platinum and Platinum Elite "Inner-Circle" - Member's Only Private Training & Access
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- Full benefits as a student of Warrior Concepts Int'l & the Bujinkan Mori no Tora Dojo!