Dai-Shihan Miller's...

ATTENTION: Self-Defense Practitioners, Ninjutsu Students, and Warrior-Protectors...

This Week's Topic:

How to Always Have the Right Technique

at the Right Time With This ONE Invisible Secret Lesson Hidden Inside 3 Basic Kata You Probably ALREADY KNOW!

Bujinkan Ninjutsu Dai-Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller

Your Instructor for This Class:

Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller

Bujinkan Ninjutsu Senior Master-Teacher

Chief Instructor

Warrior Concepts Int'l  / Bujinkan Mori no Tora Dojo

If you're looking for an instructor who not only knows the techniques, skills, and lessons you're trying to learn, but also one who's actually used those same techniques on the street, against real-world attacks thrown by some of the most brutal attackers... then look no further than Jeffrey M. Miller.

Sensei Miller has been studying and handling violence for over 4 decades and has trained with experts across 6 countries spanning 3 continents.  He is a personal student under Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, a former federal police officer, private investigator, undercover black market and drug suppression agent, and bodyguard for several high profile dignitaries including a former U.S. Secretary of Defense, the Commanding General during Operation 'Urgent Fury' in Grenada, and several members of the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.

His qualifications speak to his experience, but his experience speaks to his ability to translate the traditional teachings for the modern, warrior-protector looking to protect themselves and others from the evil we both know exists in the world!

Virtual Class Date:


Sep. 2024



Ninjutsu is more then punching and kicking!

“I always thought ninjutsu was just punching and kicking, swords and throwing stars. I took the Ninja no Hachimon course to see if there really was more to the ninja. The kind of things that are studied in authentic Ninjutsu training just blew my mind. This is the kind of information that’s not often talked about, let alone be able to find training in. Definitely looking forward to diving into other programs to learn more!”

-- Ryan Nelson, Distance Learning Student

What you’ll discover during this training:

  • Learn how to look past the step-by-step of any kata to see the strategy driving the technique so you can make your skills go beyond the "caveman" idea of: "just hit him to win!"
  • Expand your tactical and strategic control of your assailant, the attack itself, and know EXACTLY what you should be doing at any point in a fight to take away his ability to get you!
  • Avoid making this one mistake that can cripple your training, limit your growth, and make you doubt yourself, your abilities, and the art itself when you need these things most!

Hurry! ONLY  20  14 SPACES Remaining!

Lock in Your Spot NOW for

JUST $9 U.S.

Time remaining until registration closes:


Registration closes 90 minutes prior to class start OR WHEN ALL 20 SPACES ARE GONE!

Space on this live VIRTUAL class is limited to the FIRST 20 TO REGISTER!  Reserve your seat now and join us live for a class that will give you more of the Confidence, Power, and Control you want! (If the button below is available, there's still time and/or space for you!)

No Authentic Ninjutsu Dojo in Your Area?  NO PROBLEM!

ENROLL NOW & Become a Long-Distance, Virtual Student & NEVER MISS A LESSON

Learn More about "Ninpo-Masterclass Program" and Get Live, Interactive Classes Designed to Level Up Your Skills!

© 2024, Warrior Concepts International, Inc