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Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday & Virtual Master Class Topic:Advanced Long Staff & Stick Fighting Class Did you this week’s episode of Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday where I focused on understanding one possible reason the different staff weapon lengths were developed by our ancient Japanese forefathers?  That was the topic, as well as using that same Master’s logic

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In this week’s episode of Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday, we’re going to be taking a look at using your legs for more than just kicking, stepping, or general body movement in a self-defense situation. You’ll definitely want to make sure you tune in for this week’s tactics & strategy lesson!

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During this training on mastering the Samurai sword, we’ll be outlining the 9 areas of training within the 3 levels of skill proficiency leading to mastering the Japanese katana. The katana is probably the most recognizable symbol to Westerners of the Samurai and Ninja of ancient Japan. Unfortunately, like most things in the martial arts

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In this session, we’ll be exploring 3 mistakes students make with their martial arts throws and throwing skills for self-defense. During this 2nd of a 2-part series, we’ll take a look at how to overcome these problems, as well as ways to improve our judo and jiujitsu-like martial arts throws if we’re serious about developing

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This is part 1 of a 2 part series on developing better martial arts throws for self-defense. During this training session, we’ll be breaking things down to look at, and be able to train with, 3 phases or parts of a throw to give you greater control, adaptability, and power in a dangerous situation. In

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In martial arts and self-defense training, aside from weapons, kicking seems to be one of those things which grabs the most attention. Whether it be because of power, martial arts style, or something else; using the legs to kick in a fight or self-defense situation gets a lot of attention. But, is there more that

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