Blocking, Parrying & Attack-Receiving

Want to have better blocking, parrying and attack-receiving skills, and give yourself the greatest advantage rather than just getting by on a hope, prayer, and “we’ll see what

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The Hidden Side of Locks, Holds, and Throws

During this episode we’ll be looking at an aspect of the 2nd level of Ninpo-Taijutsu training – the hidden side of locks, holds, and throws – and where

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The Power of the Ninja’s Kamae!

A common mistake for students of Ninjutsu is in missing the power in the Ninja’s kamae – personal combat postures. The mistake begins with seeing kamae as the

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Nagare – 3 Ways to Have Better Flow

One of the core principles in Ninjutsu Self-Defense is Nagare, “flow.” But, rather than just the one way that most look at it, there are actually many –

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Ninja Metsubushi ‘Blinding’ Techniques

When we think about the art of the Ninja, we may think of the metsubushi blinding techniques, using the blinding powder from the Ninja’s arsenal. But, as with

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Faster Self-Defense Response with Ninpo-Taijutsu (Pt. 2)

This 2nd part of our Ninjutsu self-defense series focuses on how to move faster against an opponent’s attacks but, where part 1 focused on internal factors (brain wiring

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How to Naturally Move FASTER!

This is part 1 of a 2 part series in our Ninjutsu self-defense system, where we look at how brain wiring and emotions act as physiological influencers on

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Why So Many “Fists” in Ninjutsu?

Have you ever wondered why there are so many fists in Ninjutsu? Great question, and the answer as with everything in the Ninja’s arts is deeper and more

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Tai-Sabaki & Naname in Ninpo-Taijutsu

During this session we’re going to take a look at the Formula for evading his attack AND Taking the Superior Position… …NO MATTER WHAT HE THROWS AT YOU!

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Using your Hands For More Than Punching & Grabbing

During today’s session we’ll be taking a look at 3 ways to use your hands in a fight or self-defense situation to increase your advantage beyond merely using

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