Ninja Combination Weapons

Strategic Thinking Outside the Box!During today's episode, we'll be looking at a few examples of Ninja combination weapons as examples of strategic "outside the box" thinking.

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Self-Defense in Your Home, Office, or Workplace

During this episode of Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday, we’ll be exploring Considerations for Self-Defense within Your Home, Office or Workplace. This will include such things as: – Historical Lessons

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Unarmed Defense vs. Weapons in Self-Defense

In this episode we’ll be looking at unarmed defense vs weapons in a self-defense attack situation. The focus will be on tactical control, strategic thinking, and gaining the

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Making Martial Arts Kata “Street-Ready!”

During this Ninjutsu training strategy & tactics session, we’ll be exploring martial arts kata from the perspective of “what’s missing” in the written and conventional descriptions, and… …what

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Kata for Self-Defense?

Can you use martial arts kata for self-defense? That’s the focus for a lot of people across two different “camps” or school’s of thought. During this episode of

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Advanced Gun Defense | Disarms & Retention

The advanced gun defense skills of disarms and retention – arguably the most overlooked gen defense skill sets – are critical if your serious about learning how to

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Making Your Ninjutsu Strikes Invisible!

In this Ninjutsu training, we’ll be looking at the concept of combining our striking with our “invisibility” skills as we attack what the grandmaster calls, “the unseen targets.”

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Advanced Striking Angles

In martial arts and self-defense training, it could be said that a strike is a strike – a punch is a punch – right? But could there more

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Knife Defense Basics 101

During this class, I teach you knife defense basics – the basic “rules” for surviving against an assailant armed with a knife or other edged weapon. (Rule #1

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How to Use Your Elbows in Ninjutsu

In the art of Ninjutsu, the use of the elbows for striking is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. In this training, we’ll be going beyond striking

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