Advanced Long Staff & Stick-Fighting Class

Warrior's Whiteboard Wednesday & Virtual Master Class Topic: Advanced Long Staff & Stick Fighting Class Did you this week's episode of Warrior's Whiteboard Wednesday where I focused on

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Ashi-Sabaki – Using Your Legs for Self-Defense

In this week’s episode of Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday, we’re going to be taking a look at using your legs for more than justĀ kicking, stepping, or general body movementĀ in

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Mastering the Katana – 3 Levels of Skill Progression with the Samurai Sword

During this training on mastering the Samurai sword, we’ll be outlining the 9 areas of training within the 3 levels of skill proficiency leading to mastering the Japanese

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Better Martial Arts Throws Part 2 – Overcoming 3 of the Biggest Mistakes Students Make

In this session, we’ll be exploring 3 mistakes students make with their martial arts throws and throwing skills for self-defense. During this 2nd of a 2-part series, we’ll

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Better Martial Arts Throws (Part 1) – 3 Phases of a Throw

This is part 1 of a 2 part series on developing better martial arts throws for self-defense. During this training session, we’ll be breaking things down to look

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Tactical Kicking – Tactical Use of Your Legs & Feet for Advanced Self-Defense & Mastery

In martial arts and self-defense training, aside from weapons, kicking seems to be one of those things which grabs the most attention. Whether it be because of power,

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Using Everything to Win! How to Use Clothing as a Weapon for Street Self-Defense & Survival

In Ninjutsu self-defense training, the Ninja sees everything and anything as a tool that can be used to fight a win and survive in a street self-defense situation.

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How to Use Your Eyes for Self-Defense

In this training, we’ll be looking at how to use your eyes for self-defense. Developing the “Warrior’s Eyes” and being able to control an attacker’s perceptions through the

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Taking Control in Self-Defense

Taking control in a self-defense situation is a subject that every high-level practitioner tries to get really good at. During today’s Ninjutsu self-defense tactics and strategy session, we’ll

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Emotion-Based Self-Defense

During this episode, we take a look at emotion-based self-defense – a highly overlooked area within the realm of martial arts and self-defense training – and the role

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