From the Desk (& Mind) of Dai-Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller

...and Approved Articles from Guest Instructors

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3 Things You Need to Be Successful in Achieving Your Goal of Mastering Ninjutsu (or anything else for that matter!)

by Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller

In this article, based on a recurring question I get from well-meaning students all the time... you'll discover the essential elements for successful ninjutsu training as a long-distance student (hint: it's not 'lack of a training partner,' 'no teacher or dojo close to me,' or any of the other also common things you might think). Learn how to overcome obstacles and improve your skills even without a local dojo. Find guidance, motivation, and support from experienced mentors and fellow students.

The Triangle of Success: My Personal Formula for Advancing in Ninjutsu As a Solo, Long-Distance Student

It's difficult for today's students and those interested in Ninjutsu and learning the secrets of Japan's ancient Shadow Warriors, to imagine a day when they wouldn't have access to more than a book or three, or the literally thousands of videos available on a thing called "Youtube" which, itself, was on something that was what we would all came to call the "world wide web," and now known as... the internet.  But, where I found myself wanting to train in an art that was difficult to get because of distance...'s students often end up finding that, in spite of all those videos and free stuff on their devices... the real thing is difficult to get because of TOO MANY CHOICES.

But, either way, and after over 40 years of being available here in the Western world... unlike arts like Tae Kwon Do and now MMA gyms... there are still relatively few authentic Ninjutsu dojo to be found.  And, even with small training groups coming and going like the wind itself... the likelihood of one near enough to where you live to make training convenient is pretty slim.

And that's accounting for the fact that there are now hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of Bujinkan dojo and/training groups around the world.  The truth is that I, and probably over 95% of all of the "old guard" teachers in this art... were, always have been, and continue to be... long-distance students.  And no, MOST of us were not rich, free, or without all of the problems that it can be easy to blame for not being able to train.

But access is only the tip of the iceberg for most students.

The closest I've ever been to one of my own teachers in this art, is a 9 hour drive from eastern Pennsylvania to Germantown, Ohio.  That's 18 hours of drive time for approximately 12 - 15hrs of training during a weekend seminar!

How I Turned Distractions into Determination on My Ninjutsu Path

Every. Single. One. Of. Us. had to, just like Hatsumi-Sensei and all of our Ninja ancestors before us... had to fight, in one way or another, to get this art!  We had to figure it out.

As an aspiring ninjutsu student striving to learn this art, develop my skills, and rise in the ranks towards Mastery I, like everyone else, have faced countless obstacles in my training journey. Many times, I found myself grappling with balancing work, family, and the many other distractions that life can throw at us.  Even self-doubt, and dwelling on the unfortunate reality of being far from a dojo can be some of the worst obstacles... because they're things we do to hinder ourselves.  Because, while we're doing these things... we're delaying the starting (or resuming) of our actual training.

However, through my experiences and the teachings of Hatsumi Soke and my other teachers and mentors in ninjutsu, I’ve discovered three essential elements that can help pave the way for success and make it more likely for you to reach your full potential, even without a local dojo.

The Triangle of Success

Within the teachings of our Ninpo-Mikkyo 'mind-science' training I found several formulas and timeless frameworks designed to not only virtually guarantee my success as they had for centuries of practitioners before me, but to actually speed up the process.  One of these processes, which practically everyone studying Ninpo knows, is the sanmitsu 'triple' secrets of channeling one's thoughts (intentions), words, and actions towards a single, unified, and unwavering goal.

The second one, often missed by even those students actively studying the mikkyo 'secret teachings,' is known in Japanese as the San-Ki-e  - known in English as 'Triple Refuge'  or '3 shelters' that are needed to protect us from both inside and outside influences which could derail us and, when used, allow us to be successful in our endeavors to attain the goal we seek.  Each one of the three elements can, in and of itself, give you a greater advantage.  But, when all three are present and active, the path gets WAY easier.

Let's take a quick look at what I learned about the essential parts of the sanki-e through both my own studies, as-well-as by listening to and following the guidance and instructions from my teachers along the way.

First and foremost, you need a vision. Picture this: a clear and compelling image of what you want to achieve in your ninjutsu practice. This vision serves as your guiding star, illuminating the path forward. Without a defined target, it’s all too easy to succumb to every distraction life throws your way. Whether it’s a fleeting interest in another martial art or the lure of a Netflix binge, having a focused vision allows you to navigate those temptations and stay on track. Write down your goals, visualize them in your mind, and make them vivid. A "clear" and well-defined vision provides the motivation and determination needed to overcome obstacles.

Next, consider the importance of having a plan. A vision without a plan is like a ship without a rudder; it may look good at first, but you risk drifting aimlessly. Take the time to develop a structured approach to your training. Break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable milestones. Research online resources, instructional videos, and books that can guide you through each step of your training journey. 

Not having a Clearly Defined Plan WITH a Specific Deadline will allow you to drift off course! 

The more detailed your plan, the more you can track your progress and adapt your training methods as needed. Evidence-based strategies are particularly important; seek out tried-and-true techniques that have shown results for other students and instructors.

Finding Community in Solitude: My (Non)Experience with Online Ninjutsu Support Networks

Finally, you cannot underestimate the value of support. While it may feel isolating to train alone, remember that you don’t need a large community to benefit from accountability and mentorship. When I was coming up through the ranks, we didn't have the internet.  We had to stay in touch via phone or actually sit down and take the time to write a carefully thought-out (gulp) letter.  Then, we would touch base with each other, usually several times a year at the seminars that our teacher, or others in the group hosted in many places around the world.

The point is that it’s essential to find individuals who can help guide you, motivate you, and act as a support group of like-minded travelers you feel at "home" with as your "dojo family."

This is usually done in the dojo without too much thought given to it.  But, in the case of you and I as long distance students, it could be through connecting with fellow students like those in our Platinum "Inner-Circle" groups - themselves long-distance members of our greater dojo family - and, of course, members of our home dojo here in east-central Pennsylvania.  In either case, everyone in the collective group is dedicated to not just progressing in their own ninjutsu training, but also in connecting with fellow martial arts students who share your passion to learn and help each other succeed.

Phil, one of my long-distance students from Iowa, was pleasantly surprised during a second seminar visit when all of the students greeted him and discussed "life" as though he was just there the previous week, when it had been nearly a year since his last physical visit to the dojo.  Not only did everyone remember him, but made him feel like he was actually family.  THAT'S Ninjutsu!

You might also consider seeking a mentor if you don't already have one—someone who not only has the lessons you want and need to properly translate this art, but also one who understands the challenges of actually BEING a long-distance student themselves trying to learn this art... very often alone... and without the same contact as regular, local students.  Either way though, and contrary to the popular, "I can just learn for free from YouTube videos...' mentality, you will need someone who can provide insight, direction, and constructive feedback on your techniques, knowledge, and depth of understanding as you move forward.

If you find yourself struggling to build this support network, avoid the tendency to ask a close friend or family member what to do - especially if they haven't already done what you're trying to do, and reach out to people in your friends list, or look for established experts who are actually experienced and knowledgeable in helping aspiring students like yourself.

It wasn't until after I stopped making excuses (we all call them 'reasons'), stopped trying to learn from books and magazine articles (they're weren't any video lessons until the mid 80's), and turned to a top teacher with an internationally-connected community, that I found the encouragement, knowledge, and consistent feedback I was searching for.

I found that this "support" group is VERY important to one's progress, because not everyone in your life believes in you, nor should they have to, for you to be successful. In fact, it rarely works out that way. Most people in your life right now are complacent and set in their ways... not trying to better themselves, nor committed to anything this significant, let alone doing the work and putting in the effort it will take to get there!

Most people training in this art know that the only ones who can truly understand what they're going through, are other practitioners with the same aims, problems, and obstacles that you have.

What that means is that, to help yourself in guaranteeing your success... you DO NEED a group who inspires and motivates you to be better (or at least triggers that competitive ego-spirit that doesn't want to be left behind!), that you have regular contact with even if it's only through a Zoom class, and provides a level of accountability and mentorship to keep you consistently progressing forward. If you don't already have that, start seeking it out now!

The Trifecta of Success: My Personal Formula for Advancing in Ninjutsu Alone

As I continue my journey in ninjutsu, I still rely on this trifecta - this triangle of success—a clear vision, a solid plan, and the essential support of others you and I both need if we're going to neutralize the effects of, and pull downwards towards, the mediocrity of the average person's social group.  As they say, "It's really difficult to soar with eagles, when you gather with turkeys!"

If you're feeling stuck or unsure of how to proceed, remember that you're not alone. Embrace these proven, and time-tested fundamental elements of success, and you’ll find your training rising to levels you once thought were out of reach for you...just like I did.

As I navigate the path of ninjutsu, I’ve learned firsthand the transformative power of having a vision, a strategic plan, and the right support network. Drawing from decades of experience as a Bujinkan instructor, I have witnessed the profound impact these elements have on students striving to reach their goals. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your practice, remember that the right guidance and a supportive community can make all the difference. If you find yourself seeking direction or encouragement, don't hesitate to reach out; connecting with others who share your passion can open doors to new opportunities.

An Invitation...

... if you're serious about unlocking your potential and need guidance, don’t hesitate to connect. Just email me at with the word “Accelerate” in the subject line, and let’s explore how you can access a wider network of serious teachers and practitioners who can assist you (and want you to succeed) in following your ninjutsu aspirations. In the email, tell me about your goals and what you think is in the way, and we'll go from there.  I can't promise that we'll be a good fit as teacher and student, but I will guarantee that you'll have a better idea of what you can do next after we speak.  The world of training is at your fingertips; all you need to do is take that first step.

The choice... as always... is YOURS!

Dai-Shihan Miller here with a Quick Question for You...

What’s Missing for Most Ninpo (Budo)-Taijutsu Students, and Those Trying to Master the Ninja’s Hand-to-Hand Combat and Self Defense System?  It's... a PLAN!

Complete Set Kyu & Dan Level Training Workbooks I Wish I Had When I Was a Student - Created to Help  My Own Personal Students to Track Their Progress!

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Ninjutsu Training

Who is Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller?

Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller is an internationally-recognized self-defense expert, teacher, speaker, and author.  He is a personal student of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th Grandmaster of the Togakure school of Ninjutsu and 8 other classical systems of Japanese combat and personal warrior mastery.

He has trained in the martial arts since 1975, studying a virtual encyclopedia of martial arts - arts like Goju-Ryu Karate, Tae kwon do, Jeet Kune Do, and many others.  As a former federal police officer, member of the U.S. Army Military Police Corps, and a private security specialist and violence consultant, his primary focus is on helping to translate these proven, time-tested lessons and skills for use by serious warrior-protectors in the modern world of the 21st century!

His knowledge and real-world street experience through which he filters these lessons, and his direct, personal understanding of what it takes to handle actual violence, and violent people, makes him the perfect choice for those looking to develop the ability to protect themselves and others against the monsters in this world!

Questions?  Contact Dai-Shihan Miller via email: or through his dojo office : +1-570-884-1118

New Accelerated "Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense" Online & Distance Learning Program!

Ninja Self Defense Course

Just because you can fight or carry a gun, doesn't mean you have a broad enough skill set or the skill-proficiency to handle any attacker, any fight style, or any threat scenario that could come at you, quickly, efficiently, and with the least amount of wear-and-tear on your in the process!  This "foundations" course has more in it than most full programs!  Remember: "The one with the most options has the greatest chance for success!"  -- Jeffrey Miller


Other Books and Training Resources:

bujinkan ninjutsu training book

Discover the 3 things that most serious, self-defense-oriented students are missing in their training


The best FREE book on critical self-defense topics that span across many different scenarios.

Enroll HERE!

This official student workbook was created to help my Ninjutsu students stay on track!

Grab Yours Now!

Learn the 8 Gates or minimum study areas required in ancient Japan for any school claiming to be teaching Ninjutsu!

Grab Yours HERE!


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