Tactical Kicking – Tactical Use of Your Legs & Feet for Advanced Self-Defense & Mastery

In martial arts and self-defense training, aside from weapons, kicking seems to be one of those things which grabs the most attention. Whether it be because of power, martial arts style, or something else; using the legs to kick in a fight or self-defense situation gets a lot of attention.

But, is there more that we could be doing with our legs and feet? Are there tactics, strategies, and skills which would work better or at least add to our advantage over an assailant – especially one who has a lot of “fight” experience, and may have a bag of tricks of his own for countering kicks?

The answer is a resounding yes, and in this episode of Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday we’ll be going beyond kicking in self-defense and martial arts and exploring several different ways of using your legs and feet for advanced self-defense mastery!