04-28-2023 – Striking the Unseen Points

We’ll be training with a major focus on striking your opponent’s “unseen” points, based on what I covered during this week’s Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday session. Again, as my theme for

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04-25-2023 – Takagi Yoshin & Shinden-Fudo Ryu

During tonight’s class, we’ll be focusing on a few techniques from the Takagi-Yoshin and Shinden-Fudo schools. These techniques are especially important to those of you working on your requirements for Sandan (‘3rd degree black

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04-21-2023 – Advanced Striking Angles

We’ll be training with a major focus on striking angles to control his movements, options, and positioning, based on what I covered during this week’s Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday session. Again,

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04-18-2023 – Koto Ryu Shoden no Maki Kata

During tonight’s class, we’ll be focusing on a technique or three from the Shoden level of the Koto school. These techniques are especially important to those of you working on your requirements

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04-14-2023 – Muto Dori

We’ll be training with a major focus on unarmed defense vs knife attacks as I covered during this week’s Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday session. But, as my theme for the Black

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04-07-2023 – Elbows

We’ll be training with a major focus on using the elbows as I covered during this week’s Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday session. But, as my theme for the Black Belts and

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04-04-2023 – Shinden-Fudo Ryu

During tonight’s class, we’ll be continuing our look at the Shinden-Fudo Ryu through one of the Shoden no Maki Kata and a few of it’s variations.

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03-31-2023 – Yawara Sticks & Alternatives

We’ll be training with some of the points and concepts regarding fighting with Yawara sticks and alternatives, as I covered during this week’s Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday session! You can watch

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03-28-2023 – Shinden Fudo and Kukishinden Ryu

During tonight’s class, we’ll be focusing on some technique examples and defensive approaches from our Shinden-Fudo, and Kukishinden schools (if time permits) – both making up part of the advancement requirements

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