07-29-2023 – Overcoming 3 of the Biggest Mistakes Students Make

During this training we will look at how to “enter” for a throw in a way that makes it almost impossible for him to stop you! How to

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01-27-2023 – Power of the Ninja’s Kamae

We’ll be looking at how to make your combat postures, kamae, the tactical advantages they were designed to be and use them to control and dominate your opponent quickly and

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01-24-2023 Nidan Flow & Randori

During tonight’s class we’re going to take another look at “flow” from a Nidan and above level as well some randori (‘free response’) training.  So, if you’re local and coming to tonight’s

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01-20-2023 Nagare in 3 Forms

e'll be looking at how to manifest nagare or 'flow' in your self-defense tactics, as we discussed during this past Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday.   If you didn't catch it, you can watch

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01-17-2023 Module 3 Direct Committed Action

Based on a few questions from one of my distance training students, as well as common mistakes I'm seeing in training... During tonight's class we'll be looking at

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01-13-2023 ‘Metsubushi’ Sight-Removing Techiniques

We'll be looking at learning how to use the Ninja's metsubushi ('sight removing techniques') to give yourself a greater advantage, as we discussed during this past Warrior’s Whiteboard

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01-10-2023 ‘Basic’ Techniques at High Rank & Development Levels

During tonight's class we'll be looking at a few "basic" techniques, and what they would / could / should look like from higher rank/development levels.

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01-06-2023 Aspects of Speed and Moving Faster

During tonight's class we'll be looking at several aspects of speed and moving faster that I covered during the past two weeks of Warrior's Whiteboard Wednesday.

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01-03-2023 Trapping Strikes

During this class we looked at several aspects of timing, focusing on the concept of "trapping strikes" that begin in Module 4, as well-as that of "riding" off

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12-20-2022 Pulled Out Old Training Notebooks

This Tuesday’s Shinobi Kai/Ninpo Masterclass is the last class for 2022 due to the holiday break. As the last class of the year, Dai-Shihan decided to do something

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