In this week’s episode of Warrior’s Whiteboard Wednesday, we’re going to be taking a look at using your legs for more than just kicking, stepping, or general body movement in a self-defense situation. You’ll definitely want to make sure you tune in for this week’s tactics & strategy lesson!

Ashi-Sabaki – Using Your Legs for Self-Defense

One of the problems we encounter when we’re trying to grow and progress in in thinking that we can do it with the same mindset, habits, and choices which created our current reality. We can try to say new things, use slick titles, or set ourselves up in a way we think will produce the

e172 – KUDEN! – Karma’s a Bitch!

Explore some of the basic lessons with the Japanese Katana – Samurai long sword – as required for my students working on 3rd degree black belt! How to draw and engage an attacker with your sword while defending yourself against his KILLER attack… at the SAME TIME! Go beyond movie-style “blocking” and learn how you

08-04-2023 Mastering the Katana – Basics of the Samurai Sword

During this training on mastering the Samurai sword, we’ll be outlining the 9 areas of training within the 3 levels of skill proficiency leading to mastering the Japanese katana. The katana is probably the most recognizable symbol to Westerners of the Samurai and Ninja of ancient Japan. Unfortunately, like most things in the martial arts

Mastering the Katana – 3 Levels of Skill Progression with the Samurai Sword

During today’s class, we’ll be continuing our review of some the “basic” techniques taught in Module 1 – why they’re not really “module 1 techniques,” and using principles and concepts taught in later modules and black belt levels to upgrade them so that they reflect the understanding, abilities, and skill proficiency we should have at

08-01-2023 Module 1 Wrist Grab Defenses from Higher Skill and Experience Level

We often discuss the trap of compartmentalizing our lives – of putting things into separate “boxes” – and missing the interconnectedness that is happening all the time. This is just as true of our Ninjutsu self-protection & personal life mastery training as well. During this episode, we’ll be looking at using the 8-Fold Path from

e171 – KUDEN! – 8 ‘Conditioners’ of Our Ninjutsu Training

In this session, we’ll be exploring 3 mistakes students make with their martial arts throws and throwing skills for self-defense. During this 2nd of a 2-part series, we’ll take a look at how to overcome these problems, as well as ways to improve our judo and jiujitsu-like martial arts throws if we’re serious about developing

Better Martial Arts Throws Part 2 – Overcoming 3 of the Biggest Mistakes Students Make
07-25-2023 – Module 1 Hook Punch Defenses at a Higher Rank & Experience Level

If you read the comments left on self-defense videos, whether they’re on mind or anyone else’s material, where self-protection is the focus…you notice a HUGE, gaping, glaring discrepancy… …it’s that the vast majority of people leaving those comments…don’t know the difference between a “fight” – especially of the competitive variety – and a “self-defense” scenario

e170 – KUDEN! – Fighting vs Self-Defense Mentality