If we’re serious about training to be as prepared as possible for the worst and most unthinkable situations, we need to be very clear about both what that situation could be like – what will be going on inside what I call “the bubble” – and – what we’ll need to do within the context

e180 – KUDEN! – Kata, Self-Defense & the Battlefield!

One of the concepts that anyone who’s been around the art of Ninjutsu for any significant length of time has heard of is that of fudo-shin (‘Immoveable heart’), which itself is also embodied by the character, Fudo-Myo ‘Immoveable Light King/Queen’, in the Ninja’s Mikkyo esoteric mind-science study of enlightened potential. Any one of the hardest

e179 – KUDEN! – Fudo-Myo: Knowing When to Roar!

One of the most common success and personal development tools taught by self-help “gurus” and used by many of those trying to create positive change, is that of positive affirmations – Using the power of speech to manifest change. But many find that these statements, supposedly having the power to change your ability to produce

e178 – KUDEN! – Controlling the Power of Self-Talk!

One of the most recognizable images when it comes to the Ninja warriors of ancient Japan is their shinobi shozoku – the so-called ‘ninja uniform’. And one of the biggest misconceptions and misunderstandings surrounds, not just the parts of it, but it’s color…the color black! Most believe that this is because of stealth. And like many

e177 – KUDEN! – Why Ninja Wear Black (Not Stealth!)

In the ancient scrolls and texts that have been passed down to us by our warrior and spiritual ancestors, there are secrets to accomplishing things that seem impossible to most. Unfortunately, many also seem to be so “simple” that one can easily roll his or her eyes at them and keep on doing what they’re

e176 – KUDEN! – The Secret to Winning Every Fight!

In this episode, we’ll be taking a look at something that not only turns off those who could be potential and beneficial connections for us, as-well-as lowering us on the “food-chain” in the world of real-warriors; but serves to further diminish our influence over our lives and our ability to actually attain the goals, power,

e175 – KUDEN! – Avoiding “Yappy-Dog” Syndrome

In this episode of KUDEN! Radio, I’ll be uncovering something at the root of failure, or just plain inactivity, for many. This is highlighted in the core teachings of the Ninja’s Mikkyo ‘mind-science’ training and study in several different ways – each being a key to unlocking our potential to break-free from the limitations and

E174 – KUDEN! – Defending Against Dream-Killing Fears

During this episode, we’re going to be diving into a topic that everyone thinks they know and, by their actions at least…think they have an opinion on which dictates or allows them to justify their actions in different ways situations. I’m talking about Sonkei & Reikishi – Respect and Etiquette. We’ll be exploring this character trait and success

e173 – KUDEN! – Martial Arts, Self-Defense & Respect

In this class we’re going to be taking a look at using your legs for more than just kicking, stepping, or general body movement in a self-defense situation as we discussed in this week’s Warriors Whiteboard Wednesday. If you didn’t watch this week’s Warriors Whiteboard Wednesday, you can watch it here: https://youtu.be/RWBgMkNAMyE

08-11-2023 Ashi-Sabaki – Using Your Legs for Self-Defense