E187 – KUDEN! – The Difference Between Doing & Knowing Why

During this episode, we’re going to be taking a look at the difference between two mindsets. Each one should be a part of the overall journey of our

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E186 – KUDEN! – An Important Secret About Mentors

During this episode, we’re going to explore the differences between instructors, teachers, and mentors, with a specific focus on the latter. More importantly, we’ll be taking a look

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e185 – KUDEN! – Keys to Above Average Success!

In this episode, we’ll be exploring the timeless lessons that have been passed down by warriors and enlightened masters proven to produce (at a minimum) above-average results. But,

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e184 – KUDEN! – Responsibility & the Cost of Inaction

In the business world, there’s a concept called ROI or “return on investment”. This includes the benefits of what we get for putting in the time, effort, and

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e183 – KUDEN! – Healthy Doubt vs Douchey Disrespect?

If you’ve been around in the martial arts and self-defense realms for any significant length of time, then you’re sure to have run into several different personality-types, both

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e182 – Elephant-Herding and…Success?

In the Ninja’s Mikkyo esoteric ‘mind science’ study, there are are more than a few symbols used to convey everything from energies, to actualized human potentials, to processes

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E181 – KUDEN! – Why the Ninja’s Sanmitsu Doesn’t Work!

If you’ve been studying, or at least interested in the full system of self-protection and life-mastery known an Ninjutsu (and not like those merely focused on the unarmed

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e180 – KUDEN! – Kata, Self-Defense & the Battlefield!

If we’re serious about training to be as prepared as possible for the worst and most unthinkable situations, we need to be very clear about both what that

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e179 – KUDEN! – Fudo-Myo: Knowing When to Roar!

One of the concepts that anyone who’s been around the art of Ninjutsu for any significant length of time has heard of is that of fudo-shin (‘Immoveable heart’),

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e178 – KUDEN! – Controlling the Power of Self-Talk!

One of the most common success and personal development tools taught by self-help “gurus” and used by many of those trying to create positive change, is that of

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