e197 – KUDEN! – Change and the Voices in Our Head

During this episode, we’ll be exploring ways to combat the negative programming and subconscious / unconscious factors which can (and DO) get in the way… and how I

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e196 – KUDEN! – Seeing With the Eyes of a Warrior

Having come to training from a wide variety of other martial arts and self-defense systems, one of the concepts my teachers introduced me to within Ninjutsu and the

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e195 – KUDEN! – What Condition is YOUR Weapon In?

This week’s episode is based on something ABSOLUTELY ATROCIOUS that I saw while on vacation with Mrs. Sensei recently! The worst part of it all, was that the

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e194 – KUDEN! – A Look at the Ninja of Iga and Koga

Based on a question and topic request by a listener and student, during this episode we’ll be exploring the two largest Ninja regions that most know about in

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e193 – KUDEN! – The Art & Strategy of Controlling Failure

One of the biggest things that stops serious individuals from even beginning towards the accomplishment of their goals is the fear that they’ll fail. This fear is not

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e192 – KUDEN! – Welcoming the Year of the Dragon!

During this episode, we’ll be welcoming in the New Year together with a look at few things that separate the way the holiday is celebrated in Japan vs

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e191 – KUDEN! – Gifts or Responsibilities?

During this special holiday episode, I’m going to share a lesson I received from my teachers that is more than appropriate during this time of year. Regardless of

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e190 – KUDEN! – The Poison of “Same-ness”

During this episode, I’m going to share a lesson I gave at the dojo during a recent Black Belt testing. The lesson is based on the answer to

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e189 – KUDEN! – Why Motivation is BS!

During this episode of KUDEN! Radio, we’ll be diving into the misunderstood idea of “motivation”, and why it is not only highly over-rated… …but one of the downfalls

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E188 – KUDEN! – What Success & Mastery are NOT!

During this episode of KUDEN! Radio, we’ll e diving into the Ninja’s Mikkyo “secret knowledge” and ‘mind-science’ to uncover the three aspects of success, and what we in

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