e216 – KUDEN! – Makoto and the Power of Our Speech!

In the realm of the Warrior, especially when dealing with the Bushido code, one of the core tenants, character strengths, or virtues is that of makoto. This can be translated as ‘sincere truth’ and includes the way we express that truth in words.

During this episode, we’ll be taking a look at a few of these aspects and how, if we’re not careful, the power of speech – the influence of both what we hear from our world and our own self-talk – can warp our sense of reality and actually lead us down a very different path from the one we think we’re on.

If you’re looking to go beyond “average” and develop the power that is your birthright…then join me and other like-minded warrior-protectors, for another great episode of KUDEN! Radio, the podcast for YOU – the modern martial artist, Ninjutsu student, and self-defense & success-oriented individual!