"Master Your Self - Master Your Life!"
Warrior Concepts International
Mori no Tora Dojo Traditional Martial Arts Weapons Learning Series

Live and Virtual Options Available...
While live training with a master teacher is always best when possible, we know that it's not always possible. And, thanks to the magic of modern technology, you can still get this knowledge even if you don't live close to Dai-Shihan's dojo.
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Live Dojo Training Attendance:
Additional Bonuses when you register:

Join Warrior Concepts' master instructor and Ninjutsu senior master-teacher Dai-Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller for a special introductory seminar designed to teach you the foundations of the Katana - the famous sword of the Samurai and Ninja of ancient Japan. Unleash your inner-warrior and feel the power of one of the deadliest and mystical weapons ever invented by man!
During this special training program, you will learn:
- Reishiki - A Brief History and Development of the Katana
- The Universal Connection Between the Sword and the Warrior Spirit
- Kenpo Reiho - Proper Sword Etiquette & Wearing
- Token no Bui - Parts of the Katana
- Ken no Kamae - Combat Postures
- Batto - Sword Drawing & Re-Sheathing of the Weapon
- Ken no Ma-ai - Establishing Proper Combat Distance with the Sword
- Kyu-Ho Giri - 9-Directional Cutting Angles
- Tojutsu no Kihon Gata - Basic Evade & Counter Technique Examples
- Bonus: Tameshi-Giri - Live Cutting Practice
** Please bring a bokken ('wooden training sword') and an Iai-to ('unsharpened practice sword') if you have them. Virtual students should have these or a suitable substitute on-hand to practice along. (Virtual students planning to 'sit and watch' will not be permitted to have their cameras active or interact with the group. This is for active training students only!)
Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller is an internationally-recognized self-defense expert, teacher, speaker, and author. He is a personal student of Soke Masaaki Hatsumi, 34th Grandmaster of the Togakure school of Ninjutsu and 8 other classical systems of Japanese combat and personal warrior mastery.
He has trained in the martial arts since 1975, studying a virtual encyclopedia of martial arts - arts like Goju-Ryu Karate, Tae kwon do, Jeet Kune Do, and many others. As a former federal police officer, member of the U.S. Army Military Police Corps, and a private security specialist and violence consultant, his primary focys os on helping to translate these proven, time-tested lessons and skills for use by serious warrior-protectors in the modern world of the 21st century!
His knowledge and real-world street experience through which he filters these lessons, and his direct, personal understanding of what it takes to handle actual, violence and violent people makes him the perfect choice for those looking to develop the ability to protect themselves and others from danger!