A special message for serious, committed, safety and self-defense-minded warriors and hero-protectors...

Become the Warrior-Protector Your Family

(and the World) Needs You to Be!

Learn the Self-Protection and Personal Development System of Japan's ancient Samurai & Ninja Families, even if you don't live near an authentic school or qualified teacher of the art!

Online Ninjutsu Self-Defense Program

Are You Concerned that Traditional Martial Arts Techniques Will Fail You in Today's Modern World?

Do you ever wonder if the techniques taught in traditional martial arts will truly work against modern attackers? Are you unsure if you're learning the right techniques to defend yourself against the most common attacks encountered in today's world?

It's time to address the doubts and uncertainties that come with traditional martial arts training. While these ancient practices hold value and rich history, they may not fully equip you to handle the realities of modern-day self-defense.

The Truth: The World Has Changed, and So Should Your Training

In the fast-paced, ever-evolving 21st century, the dangers we face have taken on new forms. Traditional martial arts techniques, rooted in different eras and cultural contexts, might not adequately prepare you for the unique challenges present in the Western world today.

It's time to embrace a revolutionary approach to self-defense—one that blends the time-honored principles of Ninjutsu with a modern perspective - an approach that takes the traditional lessons and techniques and presents them in a way that focuses on the modern attacker... so you know things will work when you need them the most... on the street, against real-world attackers in Today's often dangerous world.

And, this online ninjutsu self-defense course is specifically designed to bridge the gap between ancient wisdom and the realities of the modern world.


Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense 2.0

A Complete, first stage personal protection program for evading, countering, and defending against the most common attacks you'll encounter.  Designed for the needs of the 21st Century Warrior and Hero-Protector in mind; and backed by over 2,000 years of proven, time-tested techniques, tactics, and strategies, and field-tested by me and many of my students against real-world, violent attackers on Today's streets...

Where It Counts Most!

Here's What's Included In This Special Offer...

online ninja training program

Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense Combatives Course

This is the core training, but rather than focus on ancient skills that you'll have to figure out how to apply against a real-world attack in today's world, this program focuses on the most common attacks that make up 95 - 98% of all assaults that happen every day.  You'll learn how to evade, counter, and defend against:

  • Punching and kicking attacks
  • Clothing grabs
  • Pushing and shoving attacks, and...
  • Body grabs and chokes

... easily and effectively, using proven, time-tested skills and techniques that he's never seen - techniques that make him an accomplice to his own butt-kicking, without you being an accomplice to yours!

If you really want to have a HUGE advantage over a skilled attacker who's bigger, stronger, and with more experience at beating, breaking, or killing than you do... you NEED this training!


16 Weekly Live Training and Q & A Classes (1/wk)

Each week you'll join our foundations class here at the dojo and work with either Dai-Shihan Miller and/or one of his certified instructors on material from your course.

This way, you'll be able to ask questions about what your working on to get the clarity you need to be able to progress and, if you choose, to test for your next belt levels in the program.

This is like getting 2 programs in 1, and not typically offered with anyone else's programs - at least not without paying even more for the course!


16 Weekly Group Coaching Tele-class Calls / Lessons (1/wk)

Each week you'll join Dai-Shihan Miller on a live coaching call and have even more opportunities to get your questions answered regarding even more areas of the art.

These special group coaching sessions include additional lessons from the art of Ninjutsu, taught specifically by Dai-Shihan Miller on topics ranging from history and personal development, to strategy and tactics, to skills and techniques, and even the use of modern and traditional weapons!

This is like getting another program added to what you're already getting, and not typically offered with anyone else's programs - at least not without paying even more for the course!


Student Course Training Workbook

One of the things I noticed during the majority of my training with different teachers and in different programs was the difficulty students had in remembering things as they progressed through their training.  Some teachers provided an outline of the skills to be learned, but left it to the students to take their own notes and somehow know where they were in their program.  So, to make sure my own students never had that feeling of "being lost" or knowing the full scope and goal of their hard work and study, I created student training workbooks for each level they progressed through.

As soon as you purchase this powerful program, you'll be able to download the digital file, which you can then print out and place in a training binder to:

  • Track Your 3 Phases of Progress Achievement Goals
  • Understand the Full Scope and Goals of Your Study at the Foundations Level
  • Check Off Each Skill As You Learn and Master It
  • Keep Personal Notes About Each Technique so You Know Exactly What to Work On, and...
  • Know What You Need to Qualify for Reviews and Ranking Certification (Optional)

This workbook will be a welcomed tool if you're serious about staying focused on what you need!


Science of Self-Defense Training Library Bundle

Let's face it... any monkey can learn some moves.  But it's the tactical and strategic application of the principles and concepts - not the "what" but the "how," "when," and "why" a technique is applied the way it is in any given situation makes for more than conventional "caveman-style" fighting when it comes to saving your life.

I wrote these books and resources so you could go beyond crude technique and make sure your training and progress took into account what I call the "invisible" or "soft skills" - all the things your attacker (and others) can't see you doing as you work to control the situation to your advantage, not his.

One of the first things I learned when I began my training in this system, and came to see as one of the most important advantages to surviving against someone bent on beating, breaking, or killing you... is taking his control long BEFORE he ever realizes he lost it!


Private Member's Only Facebook Group

Everyone seeking to study something this deep needs a group of like-minded people whom they can rely on for support and assistance.  When you enroll in the Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense program, you get access to your own virtual academy meeting place where you can ask questions, get answers, and know you're not alone on this critical, life-saving journey!

Stay connected with other like-minded individuals looking to gain the same skills you are, without all the BS, arguments, or non-related garbage being posted in other groups with this private members area.

Have discussions about serious topics important to you, your training, and progress.  Help others just starting out by sharing what you've learned on your journey. Tell your stories about threats you've encountered, close-calls, and how you used your physical and non-physical skill sets to avoid, evade, escape from, or otherwise handle the situation and get out with your skin intact.

And on this page only, during this special offer, I'm going to include some special bonuses you can't get anywhere else!



Student Success Maximizer Resource Kit

I put together this special kit with worksheets, cheat sheets, and other resources to help answer some of the problems students tell me they have along the way, including:

  • Ideas, Suggestions, and Tips to Help you be Successful in your Training
  • Knowing What Training Gear You Need Along the Way to help improve their skills
  • Top 5 Ways to Find Training Partners to Help You Master Your Skills
  • The Most Important Elements You'll Need Make Your Training Pay-off
  • Understanding All 8 Phases of a solid, real-world, Self-Defense Strategy & Training Model
  • and How to Track Your Progress

This kit of additional resources will help guide you through many of the areas that cause confusion for many students - especially those training on their own - so that you can have the results you want!



Stay Out of Jail! Special Training

Every year, well-meaning citizens who were just trying to protect themselves or their loved ones find themselves having to defend themselves against the same criminal justice system that's supposed to be protecting THEM!

This bonus course contains the lessons, insights, and understanding for how to make sure you can protect yourself from legal problems if you have to use your skills.  It also highlights the import keys for insuring that your actions stay within the SELF-DEFENSE DOCTRINE as defined by law.

This is where we make the HUGE distinction between "fighting" and "self-protection" and defense, and leave most martial arts and self-defense programs behind in their ability to protect you after the attack is over.  If you don't understand things like "legal use of force," etc., you could find yourself hurting! 

Whether you're making a statement after the incident, navigating the police interview process or, heaven forbid, have to survive an actual trial...

...this introductory course gives you the life-saving piece of the puzzle that the tough-guy, super warrior, "I'd rather be tried by 12 than carried by 6" BS knuckleheads never teach.  And trust me, as an ex-police officer who knows how the system works and how, if you're not careful, you can hang yourself even if you did nothing wrong!

What's your life worth?  Because this single bonus is easily worth the price of the full program!



If They Can Do It - So Can You! Student Success Stories

Very often students look at what I or other teachers can do and think or say:

"Yeah Sensei, that's great.  But you're you - you were a cop, a soldier, and a bodyguard and you can do all this stuff.  I'm just not sure I can."

That's why I put together this little report that contains some of the best case stories of students who have successfully used what they've learned from me to survive actual, real-world, brutal attacks.  We're not talking about other cops, soldiers, or tough-guy security specialists either (although I have plenty of those too!).  I'm talking about...

  • Teenagers and young children
  • Spiritual Healers
  • Grandmothers, and...
  • Other everyday people just like you who took control of this part of their lives



"Be The Protector" Special Training

It's one thing to talk a good show about what you'll do to any bad guy who attacks you or someone you care about.  But, it's another thing altogether when you're face to face with reality when the monster is breathing down your throat!

This is the recording of a class I taught after having students come to me with their concerns about actually being able to use their skills, against a real, enraged, and brutal attacker.  The fear was that, even though they could be successful in the classroom, that they'd freeze up, forget their training, or just not know what to do in that moment when all Hell was breaking loose.

And, trust me... I get it.

If this isn't you, then you won't need this extra piece of the puzzle.  But, if it is... if you can relate to this...

...then the lessons, tips, and suggestions I give you in this training will teach you how to have the confidence you need to act to protect yourself and the ones you love.

You Get All This: Skills, Strategies, and the Knowledge You Need to Be Safe - Knowledge Covering Aspects of Self-Defense No One Else is Teaching!

Stop Jumping Around, Trying to Fill in the Holes Left By Other Programs, and Finally Have The Skills You've Been Looking for, and Be The Hero-Protector Your Loved Ones and the World Needs You to Be!

This Special, One-of-a-Kind Program, with All of the Bonuses is only available here and for this Special Discounted Price through this...

Limited Time Offer!

30 Day Money Back


If you know me, you know that I more than over-deliver when it comes to training.  But, if you don't, I want you to feel safe knowing that if you don't think that what I'm teaching you goes above and beyond what you're looking for, you can contact my support team within 30 days of purchase and we'll give you a full refund -- no questions asked!  It's as simple as that.

If You Know That Danger Exists in the World, and You're Concerned About It Touching You or Someone You Love, AND Want to Make Sure You're Ready When the Monsters Appear at Your Door...

Then you need to understand and learn the critical skills you need!

Remember: in the realm of personal protection, there will be THREE fights you'll have to win - not just one!  And this program is designed to help you with each.

The Foundations course will give you a solid foundation for developing those skills that will make sure you have the best chance of winning and overcoming, not just the animal who jumped you but also helping you overcome potential problems from...

  • Your own body and brain's PTSD-based wiring that can do additional internal damage after the trauma, and...
  • Navigating the same legal system that's supposed to protect you and I from these thugs, monsters, and screwed-up degenerates who think they can do whatever they want, and to whomever they want - the system that may (and CAN) turn on you in a heartbeat if you don't do and say the right things when explaining your justified actions in protecting yourself or someone else.

Imagine how much more confidence and control you'll have, not to mention the feelings of personal power in knowing how to:

  • Correctly assess an attacker's actions using strategic thinking
  • Make his job of hurting you as difficult as possible, while making your job of defending as easy as possible
  • Tap into your body's own, natural, hard-wired self-defense mechanism and using it to your advantage
  • Switch fighting strategies not once - not twice - but three or more ways (most fighters are only good at ONE way!)
  • Be able to effectively protect yourself against a bigger, stronger, faster, or more skilled attacker
  • Use unconventional defense and personal safety skills to confuse him and neutralize his attempts to damage you
  • Use your environment as a weapon and tool for your own defense, and perhaps more importantly...
  • Have a set of techniques, skills, and strategies for handling THE MOST COMMON attacks you're most likely to face

Add to this the fact that you'll have the knowledge most self-defense students (and instructors) lack about what it's actually like inside the "bubble" of a REAL attack (not someone's guesswork who's never been there), requiring that your training be a certain way if you're going to have the best chance at surviving and making it home to those who love and care about you...

...and having the rock-solid feelings of Confidence, Power, and Control... knowing that you've got this covered!

NOTE: If you're just looking to have bragging rights, a belt or certificate to impress your friends, or some dangerous moves to abuse others with yourself... DO NOT GET THIS PROGRAM!

Are You Ready? If so, click the button to get this proven system of personal self-protection and finally stop trying to fill in the gaps left by other crippled programs!

Remember: It's not how many "moves" you know, but you're ability to apply those skills against an attacker quickly, effectively, and in a way that doesn't land you in jail or, worse yet... the morgue!

To Your Attainment of Personal & Warrior Mastery!

Dai-Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller

Here's a Recap of


When You Grab This Powerful, Life-Saving Program!

  • Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense Combatives Program          ($997 Value)
  • 16 Weekly Live Training and Q & A Classes                                             ($560 value)
  • 16 Weekly Group Coaching Tele-class Calls / Lessons              ($2,400 value)
  • Foundations Course Student Workbook                                        ($47 Value)
  • Science of Self-Defense Library Bundle by Jeffrey Miller         ($147 Value)
  • Private Member's Only Facebook Support Group                              ($97 Value)
  • BONUS #1: Student Success Maximizer Kit                                            ($297 Value)
  • BONUS #2: "Stay Out Of Jail!" Special Training                                  ($597 Value)
  • BONUS #3: "If They Can Do It...!" Student Success Stories           ($97 Value)
  • BONUS #4: "Be The Protector" Special Training                                ($197 Value)

Total Value: $5,436

But today, you're getting all this...

For Only



Or 4 Payments of...

Only $155

1 Payment of $155Today, and each successive payment every 30 days until paid in full.

HURRY!  Save up to 90% off now before the introductory pricing expires.

** Price goes up to $997 shortly!