Create Greater Results & Success with Less Effort by Awakening to the Universal Laws of Nature! 

When you learn these ancient secrets, you will...

Have More Power, Confidence & Control, Experience a Deeper Feeling of Happiness, Joy, and Fulfillment; and overcome the Effects of Negative Energy, People and Situations.

Buddhism for Beginners

Have you realized that, despite your vast knowledge, there are crucial pieces of information you're missing—essential answers that could bridge your understanding?

Are you in pursuit of tangible results in your life, career, and relationships, but utterly fed up with the pseudoscientific jargon peddled by self-proclaimed 'spiritual' gurus? These so-called experts charge a fortune and deliver nothing but disappointment.

Dear Seeker of Mastery,

Are you intrigued by various "wisdom-teachings" but yearn for a practical, balanced grasp of their foundations?

Is your journey along the Path just beginning, leaving you eager to delve deeper into the realm of self-discovery and its interconnectedness with the world?

Are you prepared to shatter your reality, challenge your perceptions, and embrace a paradigm shift?

Alternatively, do you seek the tools and techniques to illuminate the Path—time-honored methods forged by ancient warriors and Enlightened Sages? These tools are designed to help you decipher reality from self-centered notions, and to unlock the solutions to life's most profound lessons.

Prepare to uncover unwavering Truths—the very secrets that fervent students of my "Ninja Mind" program can't stop raving about. What's even more remarkable is that these insights and strategies have a track record spanning millennia, consistently yielding the results you crave. And the best part?

...they've been transforming the lives of warriors and truth-seekers, driving personal clarity, Enlightenment, and triumph—for over 2,500 years!

Greetings, I am Dai-Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller, the mastermind behind the immensely successful "Warrior Concepts Life Mastery Program." This comprehensive program, encompassing self-defense, personal development, and complete life mastery, has empowered thousands of students across my academy, camps, seminars, and now, online. While we might not be acquainted yet, let me peel back the curtain and reveal a glimpse of the enigma.

My journey spans three decades of dedication to the Eastern martial and meditative arts—the very fabric of what I term "Life Mastery sciences." I've traversed six countries, three continents, and sought wisdom from martial arts masters and Enlightenment mentors. I am not only an author and consultant but also an initiated lay-teacher in the venerable Tendai sect of esoteric Buddhism—the oldest school of Buddhist practice in Japan. 

Moreover, I've curated the online course "The First 7 Steps on the Path of a Buddha," a treasure previously accessible only to my intimate students and those fortunate enough to attend my exclusive seminar intensives.

These are not mere accolades to dazzle you. I present them to underline the fact that I'm no run-of-the-mill internet marketer peddling hollow concepts lacking substance or experience. Also, because...

I wasn't always a proficient instructor of these timeless wisdom-teachings. In fact, I bet my beginning closely mirrors yours—igniting a quest to fathom the depths of self, reality, and the keys to unlocking boundless results with minimal strain.

Much like you, I was raised to believe in a certain order to the world. I was taught that I possessed certain talents and attributes, and that a handful of "correct" approaches existed. Yet, despite diligently following these "right" paths, a perplexing void lingered—efforts expended far outweighed the happiness reaped. Frustration and bewilderment stubbornly persisted.

True, I had my share of joy and achievements. But I discerned that each attempt to diminish negativity or amplify positivity yielded marginal improvements at best. It felt like a ceaseless struggle against the current.

Do you resonate with this struggle?

Years of middling outcomes and conformity to societal norms drove me to embark on what I call a "spiritual expedition." My goal: unearth the concealed shortcut. The method had to be simpler, and I was committed to uncovering it—regardless of the hurdles.

Numerous spiritual and philosophical traditions later, having devoured countless books and absorbed the wisdom of numerous 'gurus,' I finally grasped the key—timeless lessons I'd long sought. Oddly enough, I didn't unearth these treasures where you might expect. Indeed, who would anticipate discovering such profound revelations in an ancient martial art, known as Ninjutsu, and its elevated life-mastery iteration, Ninpo?

I certainly didn't!

Thirty years of dedicated study unearthed three revelations:

  • The traditional form of these lessons have not always been easily understandable by modern, Western students.
  • The ancient Masters and their students had the EXACT same problems to overcome that you and I have in Today's modern world, and...
  • You don't have to be a student of the martial arts, or be anything other than open-minded, want to produce better results with less wear-and-tear or struggle, and willing to learn to see things the way they really are... and the way things really work, to gain the full power and benefit of these wisdom-teachings!

Step onto the Path of a Buddha &

Ignite Your Journey to Power, Wisdom, and Fulfillment

Do you ever feel like life is an endless "merry-go-round," a cycle of pain, fleeting happiness, and relentless frustration? Have you diligently followed the conventional rules for happiness and success, only to find yourself with less control, confidence, and joy than you deserve?

Isn't it time to break free from this cycle? Imagine unlocking the unshakable power, clarity, and control you've always yearned for. The opportunity to elevate your existence is now within your grasp.


"The First 7 Steps on the Path of a Buddha*"


(* One Who is Awake to Ultimate Reality)

A Special, Self-Guided, One-of-a-Kind Online Training Program for Those Wanting More

Clarity, Understanding, and the Tools Proven to Produce Greater Success!

Master the timeless success teachings encapsulated in Hinayana and Mahayana core principles, meticulously crafted for serious Western learners like you. Developed by Esoteric Buddhist lay-teacher and Life Mastery coach, Dai-Shihan Jeffrey Miller, this transformative program is your gateway to profound enlightenment, personal mastery, and greater abilities to realize your perfect life.

In a world where one-size-fits-all solutions fall short, our approach is refreshingly different. We recognize that universal truths transcend dogma, and genuine growth stems from understanding inherent concepts, universal Truth, and not conforming to rigid beliefs or "the way everyone else does it."

Unveiling the Universal Truths

Step beyond superficial theory and embark on a journey aligned with Universal Law – the ultimate foundation for lasting change. These aren't just beliefs to adopt; they are truths waiting to be known. The power lies in experiencing and integrating these truths, not just blindly accepting them.

Navigating the Maze of Philosophies

Have you been puzzled by the contradictions among various philosophies? Do you find it frustrating that each system claims to hold the exclusive key to success? You're not alone. Shidoshi Jeffrey Miller once faced these very challenges, until he uncovered a remarkable treasure within Ninjutsu.

Why This Program Was Originally Created

“The First 7 Steps on the Path...” was originally designed as an introductory stage set of lessons for my personal students who wanted to be initiated into the study and practice of Buddhist Vajrayana (“The Diamond-Thunderbolt Vehicle”) – the esoteric mind-science teachings of Universal Truth that you might know in it's Japanese form as Mikkyo, or more conventionally as 'Tibetan Buddhism.'

As such, it contains the core lessons that are necessary for one to even approach Mikkyo practice. These lessons are necessary because Mikkyo is a condensed form of the teachings, where every image, object, spoken sound, and gesture is a symbolic representation of a greater lesson.

And, the core principle of Mikkyo is most often seen in the Ninja warrior's Sanmitsu “Triple Secrets of Success” teaching - the secret of channeling one's thoughts, words, and deeds for goal achievement.
** The triple secrets point to the science and understanding of using our thoughts, words, and actions, focused in harmony with each other - and with Natural Laws like karma, etc. - to produce the level and quality of results, relationships, achievements, and success that you want in your life.

The Transformative Essence of Mikkyo and the Diamond-Thunderbolt Path

While you don't need to be a Ninjutsu practitioner to benefit, or wish to continue beyond these core timeless lessons from the foundational Paths; Mikkyo (the Japanese form of the Vajrayana "Diamond-Thunderbolt Vehicle Path'), the 'mind-science' teachings within Ninpo, holds profound insights for us all. What may seem like mysticism or ritual is, in fact, a culmination of Buddhist philosophical studies. The key lies in understanding these core lessons that lay the groundwork for the powerful practices of Mikkyo should you wish to progress further into the advanced practices of this Path.

Elevate Your Journey

Now, these foundational lessons are at your fingertips through this life-changing program:

"The First 7 Steps on the Path of a Buddha - Awakened-One."

Embark on a journey that empowers you with unwavering confidence, clarity, and control. Step into your true potential, unburdened by limiting beliefs and guided by centuries of wisdom.

Are you ready to unleash the force of enlightened understanding, clear understanding, and intentional rather than "accidental" living that lies within you? If so, then join us on this life-altering expedition.

Unlock the secrets to a life of fulfillment, purpose, and mastery.

Enroll now in "The First 7 Steps on the Path of a Buddha - Awakened-One."

Your 'future you' awaits!

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up

After you enroll in this program, you will receive complete access to all lessons and materials, all included in your personal student area.  This program was originally done live, so you'll listen in to classes which were scheduled to run live once per week over the course of 10 weeks.  But, you can take your time, g through the program at your own pace, and allow yourself to absorb these timeless lessons designed to not only empower you... but to free you from the state of dull, sleep-walk living that most don't know they're trapped in!  You'll gain timeless insights and discover truths that are truly life-changing from the very first thru to the last lesson... and far beyond that!  Prepare to walk the road less travelled - the Path of the Awakened One!

3 Components to This Program:

  • Online Recorded Class Lessons / Guided Teaching Component
  • Reenforcing Assignments / Self-Guided Practice Component
  • Email Coaching / Support Component
benefit 1: Live group class Recordings

You will receive access to the recordings of 16 Live Group classes where you will go deep into each of the 7 sections and 15 frameworks that make up the core of this ancient Enlightenment training and life-empowerment system.

Each class will not only provide the core lessons passed down by the Buddha himself, but also by other Enlightened sages themselves as these teachings were further contemplated and refined throughout the ages... that you can PUT THEM TO USE IN YOUR OWN LIFE!

benefit 2: Study materials

16 Classes = 16 Class Recordings!

Not only will you receive lifetime access to all of the class recordings for future reference so you can refer back to a lesson again and again, but you will also receive a series of downloadable student study workbooks where you can keep your nots, stay on track, and refer to as you progress to greater understanding and freedom.

Another major benefit of this program is that if, for any reason, you feel like you are missing something... you won't have missed anything by trying to keep up with a live class, because you'll have the full lesson and discussions from it to refer back to again and again!

benefit 3: Email coaching

Unlimited Email Coaching for 6 Months!

I know that even though the course has ended, that you may have questions on things you're continuing to work on.  To make sure you're not left in the dark, trying to figure things out for yourself if you get "stuck;" you will receive a special, student-only, email address that you can use to get your questions answered.  This insures that you get the help you need, when you need it (usually within 24 - 48 hours / 72 hours if it's a weekend or holiday).  And this will continue up to a full 4 months after you purchase this course!

About Sensei Jeffrey (Kasei) Miller

Sensei Jeffrey (Kasei) Miller is an initiated lay-teacher in the Japanese esoteric school of Tendai-shu Mikkyo under the guidance of his teacher, Rev. Jikai Choffy, a retired university professor and student of the late Bishop Jion Haba of Tokyo, Japan.  Sensei Miller has traveled across 6 countries, and 3 continents, to train with spiritual teachers and Enlightened Masters of this and other timeless traditions.  In addition, he has trekked to visit mountain shrines and temples in Japan and Korea, including the headquarters of the both the Shingon school on Mt. Koya, in Shin-Osaka; as-well-as that of his own affiliated Tendai school atop Mt. Hei, overlooking the ancient city of Kyoto, in Japan.  He is the creator of several programs designed to help serious Western students attain the clarity, power, confidence & control they're looking for, including: "The Life Purpose Discovery Process," and "Ninja Mind," and the "Warrior Concepts Black Belt & Life Mastery Program."

We're all in this life together and, if I can help you by sharing that which I've gathered along the way to help make your life's ride a little easier, I'd love to do just that!

Course Modules

What's Inside!

Module 1: Introduction, Foundations, and Getting Started

Class 1 – "Myths, Realities, Beliefs... and Truths"

  • What is a Buddha?
  • A brief history of the 3 “schools” of Buddhist thought and practice
  • The Buddha was a Human Being – just like you and I
  • What the Buddha DID NOT teach!
  • Course overview of the coming weeks
  • Q & A

Class 2 – "Truth from the Perspective of One Who is Awake to Ultimate Reality"

  • The 4 Noble Truths
  • Defining the Human Condition
  • What causes “Suffering”, Frustration, and Discontent?
  • The difference between the desire for “wants” and the desire for “needs”
  • Definition of key Sanskrit terms (Dukkha, Trishna, Karma, Samsara, Nirvana, etc.)
  • The power of “Perspective”
  • Q & A

Class 3 - 8 "Conditioners" of a well-managed life
  • Exploring the Path toward Enlightenment
  • Examining the relationship of each “Step”
  • Defining “Right” & “Wrong”
  • Mindfulness as the Key to Liberation from Suffering
  • Intentional living vs. Accidental living
  • The 8-Fold Path in the 3 Paths (Vehicles)
  • Q & A

Module 2: Discipline and the Art of Intentional Living

Class 4 – "The 3 Treasures and the Elements of Success"

  • The difference between “Beliefs,” “Facts,” & “Truths”
  • 3 beliefs necessary for Success
  • Defining the “3 Treasures”
  • Respect and the Path
  • Your Teacher vs. The Buddha
  • KOAN: “Meeting the Buddha on the road”
  • Q & A

Class 5 – "Morals, Ethics & Discipline"
  • The 5 Precepts: Vows for the Lay Practitioner
  • Karma and the Vows
  • Precepts and Decision-making
  • Using the precepts as a model for personal development and success
  • Q & A

Module 3: Meditation - Tool for Controlling & Directing the Mind

Class 6 – Training and taking control of your mind

  • What IS Meditation?
  • Sammadhi: "Absorption" & Basic 'Centering' Meditation
  • Suggestions for effective practice
  • When NOT to practice meditation
  • Meditation 'postures' – Which one is best for you?
  • Q & A

Class 7 – Developing the Insight that leads to Enlightenment"
  • Exploring “Insight-based” (following) meditative practice
  • Developing “Insight” and going beyond what the eyes can “see”
  • Information – Knowledge - Wisdom
  • Transcending conventional thoughts and beliefs
  • Who, What, When, Where, Why, & How: Asking the important questions
  • Q & A

Module 4: Defining the Human Being (aka "YOU!")

Class 8 – "Defining and Exploring The Human Being"

  • Soul or No-soul – Is there really a question?
  • A brief study of the Buddha's early teachers
  • The 5 Skandhas
  • 3 contemplation meditation exercises (vipasyana) on the Skandha of “Form”
  • Q & A

Class 9 - “The 6 Realms of Existence and Modern Psychology"
  • Ancient psychology model
  • Defining the 6 Realms of Existence
  • How each “Realm” perceives themselves and their world
  • The cause of suffering as perceived by each personality
  • The only “Realm” that can attain Enlightenment
  • Q & A

Module 5: Karma, Merit & the Universal Law of Cause & Effect

Class 10 – "Karma and the Law of Cause & Effect"

  • Defining “Karma” - What it IS and what it is NOT!
  • 3 Characteristics of Karma
  • 2 Types of Karma
  • Effects of Karmic Actions
  • Taking Control of the Process to create the life you want
  • Q & A

Class 11 – “The Law of Dependent Origination"
  • 12-fold Chain of Dependent Origination
  • Another look at the Law of Karma
  • Symbolic representations of each link in the “Chain”
  • Where and how to break the cycle of suffering and rebirth
  • Understanding the Buddhist Concept of “Rebirth”
  • Q & A

Class 12 – "The 10 Evils"
  • Going beyond the basic Precepts
  • Everyday habits that chain us to the Samsaric World
  • Defining the “10 Evils”
  • Reversing negative habits
  • Using “Mindful Precision” to create the things in life that we want
  • Q & A

Module 6: Illusions, Delusions, Fears & Views of "Life"

Class 13 – "The 4 Marks of Existence"

  • Truth about life for Human Beings
  • Defining the '4 Marks'
  • Discovering the “Truth”
  • Seeing the Reality of Existence in Everything
  • Impermanence, Non-Attachment, and Transcendence
  • Q & A

Class 14 – "The 10 Errors of View"
  • How Belief's govern our thoughts and actions
  • Fear-based perspective
  • Pessimistic vs. Optimistic vs. Nihilistic vs. “Escapism”
  • Science-centered study and practice
  • Overcoming childish fears that limit our growth
  • Q & A

Module 7: Buddhist Symbolism and "Going Beyond"

Class 15 – "Basic Symbolism Used in Buddhist Thought & Practice"

  • The 8 Auspicious Objects
  • General Symbols in Buddhist Iconography
  • Esoteric Symbols used in Vajrayana study (Mikkyo)
  • The reason for the use of Statues in Buddhist ritual practice
  • A brief introduction to the concept of Mudra
  • Q & A

Class 16 – "The 3 Bodies of Truth"
  • Reviewing the 3 Schools of Buddhist thought (Hinayana, Mahayana, Vajrayana)
  • The link between the Microcosm and the Macrocosm
  • Introduction to Mikkyo and the concept of 3-in-1 and 1-in-3
  • Seeing the “big picture” and “the details” simultaneously
  • The 3 Buddha “Bodies”
  • Q & A

Bonus Class 1 – "What's Next for the Serious Student?"
  • Taking Refuge
  • The 4 “Classes” of Buddhist Practitioners
  • “Gold” Buddhist vs. “Brass” Buddhists
  • The Teacher – Student Relationship
  • Course Review
  • Q & A

More Than An Academic Class

During this intensive study into the foundational lessons needed to truly understand the practice of Mikkyo and esoteric practice, you will be learning much more than historical facts. Because, this program is designed, just like all of Shidoshi Miller's programs, for action-takers.

These lessons are meant to be put to use IN your life, to help you to CREATE the life you really want to be living. A life filled with depth, meaning, power, energy, and purpose. And, through the lessons in mindful living, clarity of vision, and depth of experience and purpose... will not only learn the lessons and principles for successful living, but you will experience changes right from the very first class!

Register Now - Limited Spaces Available!


Now it’s time to introduce some EXTRAS I have for you!

I want to make sure you have everything you need to succeed in this program!  So, to make sure that happens, I'm also including the following bonuses - but ONLY to attendees of the LIVE course!

These bonuses WILL NOT be a part of the program later when it will just be a recorded course for do-it-yourselfers.

Course Bonuses

As a student in the live program, you will also receive the following bonuses at no extra charge!

Bonus 01 : "37 Fundamentals on the Path" Program

This very popular, 15 class program is designed to walk you through the "basics" of this study.  It's a natural companion to the "First 7 Steps on the Path" program, especially if you're looking to explore the core fundamentals, but not looking to commit to "being" a "Buddhist."

Value: $597

Bonus 02: Email Coaching

These personalized coaching calls with Sensei are scheduled at the beginning and near the end of the program. Their main purpose is to help you establish a baseline from which all future work will be based upon, and a way to gauge your progress and success afterwards.

Value: $600

Bonus 03: Private Student-Only Facebook Group

 The power in group study lies in just that, being a part of a group of like-minded practitioners (known as a "Sangha" in Buddhism) - your fellow practitioners and teachers walking the Path with you.  These are the people who can both help you through trials, and share in your successes.


What You Get When You Enroll Today!

You get the full program lead by Sensei Jeffrey (Kasei) Miller, an initiated lay-teacher in the timeless tradition of the Tendai school of Japanese Mikkyo - esoteric Vajrayana Buddhism.  When you enroll in the "First 7 Steps on the Path of a Buddha" today, this is what you're going to get...

16 Class Recordings into the areas of life mastery within the foundations of the first two Paths of Buddhist study and practice

In each lesson, we will explore 1 part of a "Step" along the path - categories of study and practice leading to a greater understanding of the Universal Laws governing "how things really work," and how we can take more control of our life experience... producing more of the results and success we're looking for! 

 ($4,800 value!)

3 Bonus Pre-Class Recordings for Additional Study & Practice

The contemplative work into the workings of the lessons will continue long after the course has ended.  You will have lifetime access to all of the lessons and resources within this course so you can refer back again and again to the lessons you're working on as you move closer and closer to your goal of unleashing your fullest potential!

($1,550 value!)

Student Workbooks & Resource Materials

You will receive a study guide for each of the sections in the 7 Steps on the Path, as well as additional resources (worksheets, etc.), all designed to make it easier for you to follow and track your progress through this rich, life-changing knowledge!

($397 value!)

4 Months of Unlimited Email-Based Coaching

I know that, even though the course has ended, that you may have questions on things you're working on afterwards.  You will receive a special, student-only, email address that you can use to get your questions answered if they can't wait until our next session.  This insures that you get the help you need, when you need it (usually within 24 - 48 hours / 72 hours if it's a weekend or holiday).  And this will continue up to a full 4 months after your live course has ended!

($600 value!)

BONUS #1: Sanjushichi Do Bon "37 Fundamentals on the Path..." Program

This very popular, 10 module, program is designed to walk you through the "basics" of Buddhist study and thought.  It is a natural companion to this "First 7 Steps" program, especially if you're looking to explore much more deeply into our Mikkyo "mind-science" study and practice.

($597 value!)

BONUS #2: Private Student-Only Facebook Group (Sangha)

The power in group study lies in just that, being a part of a group of like-minded practitioners (known as a "Sangha" in Buddhism) - your fellow practitioners and teachers walking the Path with you.  These are the people who can both help you through trials, and share in your successes.


Total Value for this Program When You Enroll Today...


This Course Will Change Your Life!

This is a full, online training course in the teachings of the Buddha, with an initiated lay-teacher in an authentic Wisdom tradition.  It includes over 32 hours of instruction, student materials, and guidance... not to mention the unlimited email coaching and extra bonuses.

Courses like this cost anywhere from $997 - $9,997.  I charge $150/hour for group coaching (which means this program could cost $6,000) but, because this is the first of it's kind, because I'd like to get you feedback and testimonial as or after you've gone through it... it's only going to be... $397 for the complete course!

3 Ways to Get Started NOW!

Single Pmt of...



Complete Program, Email Coaching, & Student Support

All Bonuses (valued at OVER $2,136)



4 Monthly Pmts of...


First tuition payment of $147 today, then $147 per month for 3 additional months

*Due to Extra Incurred Set-up & Processing Fees, Payment Plan Total Cost is $461.


10 Weekly Pmts of...


First tuition payment of $45 today, then $45 per week for 14 additional weeks

*Due to Extra Incurred Set-up & Processing Fees, Payment Plan Total Cost is $525.

money back
100% Satisfaction-Guarantee.

If, for any reason, you don't like this amazing program, you can get a full refund anytime within 14 days after your enroll. That means you get TWO FULL weeks to try the program, engage in the practice, and see life-altering changes.  If you have any issues, just get in touch with our friendly support team and they'll either help you out until you get the results you need or give you a swift refund.

A Personal Note

You can do this!  You owe it to yourself to take this opportunity while it's available.  In the words of realization within the Enlightenment Teachings: "The wisdom teachings are difficult to discover.  I have discovered them.  If I do not take this opportunity to pursue them now, when again in the future will I get this chance?"

But... as always... the choice is YOURS!