From the Desk (& Mind) of Dai-Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller

...and Approved Articles from Guest Instructors

Everybody Wants To Be a Ninja...Until THIS!

by Dai-Shihan Jeffrey M. Miller SPS, DTI

While brainstorming some cool sayings for our T-shirt collection over at, one of my team members came up with this one:

"Everyone wants to be a Ninja, Until it's time to do Ninja Shit!"

Ninja Ninjutsu T-shirt design

"Everyone Wants to Be a Ninja Until It's Time to Do Ninja Shit"  T-shirt. Available on

And he was right because, not only did that slogan become a T-shirt design... it's also something I've noticed across the years since I started training in this self-protection and life-mastery system in 1981.

In fact, one of the things that attracted me, and a WHOLE bunch of other professional law enforcement and security, military, and other's with an imperative need for something beyond the sport, recreational, and other conventional offerings of the time...

...was the diversity of skill sets.  And, I don't just mean fight skills either.  I mean skills for handling a wide variety of hazards and dangerous (as well as "life" situations).

But, as we humans tend to do when we want something... but only if it's the way WE think it should be... or at least good enough for the work we're willing to put in... things changed.

But, they didn't just change... things were dropped, and continued to be "discarded" until we have what we have today... a mere shadow of the shadow warrior's art... if that's even possible.  Some have even used the term "watered down."

But, while many have gone the way of turning Ninjutsu into a "style," there are those few of us (called "Old School" by those making fun of us) still hold onto the art as it was originally passed down, and before it spread to the masses.  Back when the art included training in:

  • Wilderness survival skills
  • traditional and modern weapons
  • esoteric studies for better understanding of one's self
  • water and other outdoor scenario-based training
  • stealth and henso-jutsu (disguise and impersonation)
  • Kuji and Mikkyo
  • ...and, trust me... a LOT more!

Things that REALLY gave a Ninja more than an advantage in a fist fight... but the ability to survive... whatever came his or her way (Takamatsu-Sensei's first real lesson to Hatsumi)"Can You Survive?"

If this "old school" training is something you're interested in, you may have heard of a training framework from the old days (I mean, like Sengoku Jidai 'Warring States' period, old days) called the 8 Gates of the Ninja, or the Ninja no Hachimon.


online ninja training

...while you can certainly look up the list on probably a hundred different websites, what most can't give you is the historical context converted to principles and concepts that can then be translated into today's world of the 21st century.

That's exactly what I did when I created my very first online Ninjutsu training program (if it wasn't the first online Ninjutsu program... it was easily in the first THREE) by the same name.  It answers the question:

How can you truly train in something that you don't fully understand?

You can check out all the details HERE.  It contains well over 18 hours of training across 10 modules and is the perfect start for the warrior-protector who wants to know that they not only know what real Ninjutsu is about, but they don't fall for every scam artist who throws the word "Ninja" on whatever they're selling.

Either way, if you haven't already done so, do a Google search on this ancient framework that was an absolute requirement for determining what was, and what was NOT authentic Ninjutsu by the past Masters.  That way you'll know if that's what you're really doing, or if it's just a part of the full power and legacy of the Ninja Night Warrior's we all strive to live up to and become!

See you on the other side!

In Mastery!

Dai-Shihan Miller

Internationally-recognized self-defense expert, Jeffrey M. Miller

PS - Save over $95 off the full cost of this powerful, enlightening, and life-changing program, Ninja no Hachimon ("8 Gates of Authentic Ninja Training") designed to insure that you understand the history, reasons why, and modern application of the MINIMUM set of training areas within authentic Ninjutsu.  Just use code: NINJA33 to save 33% OFF between now and Sunday!  Get all the information at:

Get the Real-World Self-Defense Training You Need, Expand Your Skill Sets, and Quickly Vet Any Program to Make Sure It's Right For You... without Wasting Time, Effort and Money on Scams and Wrong, Limited, BS Training!

Grab this FREE '8 Phases of Effective Self-Defense Strategy & Training' Cheat Sheet from someone who's been there and understands what you need!

Are you looking for Help with Learning & Developing Solid, Effective Real-World Self-Defense Skills?
Do you want to know how I do it?

Download this free  "Px8" System framework cheat sheet right now that outlines the same 8 phases of effective, strategic self-defense for the modern warrior-protector that I use to help all of my personal students and corporate workplace violence clients to be more safe and "Attack-Proof" in Today's often dangerous world!

Request Your Px8 Framework Cheat Sheet HERE

New Accelerated "Foundations of Ninja Self-Defense" Online & Distance Learning Program!

Ninja Self Defense Course

Just because you can fight or carry a gun, doesn't mean you have a broad enough skill set or the skill-proficiency to handle any attacker, any fight style, or any threat scenario that could come at you, quickly, efficiently, and with the least amount of wear-and-tear on your in the process!  This "foundations" course has more in it than most full programs!  Remember: "The one with the most options has the greatest chance for success!"  -- Jeffrey Miller


Other Books and Training Resources:

bujinkan ninjutsu training book

Discover the 3 things that most serious, self-defense-oriented students are missing in their training


The best FREE book on critical self-defense topics that span across many different scenarios.

Enroll HERE!

This official student workbook was created to help my Ninjutsu students stay on track!

Grab Yours Now!

Learn the 8 Gates or minimum study areas required in ancient Japan for any school claiming to be teaching Ninjutsu!

Grab Yours HERE!


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Online Coaching Programs

Ongoing Ninjutsu Training & Weekly Group Coaching with one of the longest training teachers and practitioners in the world today!

Schedule a complementary coaching call to see if this program is right for you:


Platinum and Platinum Elite "Inner-Circle" - Member's Only Private Training & Access


  • Full, module-based training lessons for those wanting to become a Black Belt in Ninjutsu
  • Weekly live Zoom-based training classes
  • Weekly Q&A & Bonus Topic coaching calls
  • Archive of past classes and training
  • Advanced Warrior-Protector Training
  • ebooks, student worksheets, & other training aids
  • Closed, members-only, Facebook Group
  • Discounts on all live training seminars and events
  • Email coaching - Get your questions answered!
  • Skill reviews and feedback on your skills and progress
  • BONUS Access to Additional Programs
  • Ability to test for and receive rank in Ninjutsu
  • Full benefits as a student of Warrior Concepts Int'l & the Bujinkan Mori no Tora Dojo!

Study & train directly with Dai-Shihan Miller as one of his elite "Inner-Circle" students. Schedule your complementary coaching call to discuss your training & goals. Email:

Or, consider this popular program...


Online Virtual Ninjutsu-Based Self-Protection Training Classes

with Dai-Shihan Miller!

Proven, Time-Tested Lessons for the Modern Warrior-Protector!

Are you a business owner, corporate leader, or influencer concerned about protecting yourself and your people from the pain, damage, and loss from workplace violence?  Visit Jeff's Consultancy Site HERE...

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