e237 – KUDEN! – Budo-Taijutsu vs Ninpo-Taijutsu: What the Hell Are We Doing?

When the art of the Ninja exploded onto the scene in the early ‘80s here in the Western-world, everything… everywhere was about “Ninjutsu” and how it was different from nearly every other conventional (read: ‘modern’) martial art. But, along the way a shift occurred and, ever since then, there has been a debate about whether or not we’re actually doing this “thing” anymore.

During this episode, we’re going to continue our look into another aspect of a core concept from our Togakure school, how the Budo vs. Ninpo debate got started, and how to understand what the Hell is going on… really… in the world of Ninjutsu! Careful though… this is going to bust some major bubbles, upset some deep-seated beliefs, and destroy the so-called “personal truths” of that many are clinging onto!