e217 – KUDEN! – 3 Ways to Feel Lost with Self-Defense Training

In my book, “Fight Smarter – Not Harder”, I share 3 very common things that over 90% of the people say to me, that all point to the same problem – a very REAL problem in the world of self-defense and personal protection; and that “thing” is a sense of feeling lost when it comes to dealing with an actual attack.

In this episode, we’ll discuss those 3 things, and what this means for the serious individual looking to develop the skills to protect themselves or others, regardless of whether they’re taking the “do-it-yourself-er” route or when trying to find someone who can teach them what they want to know.

If you’re looking to go beyond “average” and develop the power that is your birthright…then join me and other like-minded warrior-protectors, for another great episode of KUDEN! Radio, the podcast for YOU – the modern martial artist, Ninjutsu student, and self-defense & success-oriented individual!