E214 – KUDEN! – Two Points on the Path to Mastery!

One of my military leaders once said to me, “Sergeant Miller, hope is not a strategic plan!”. Couple this with a technique I learned from both Soke Hatsumi, as well as my Mikkyo teacher for using both of the Ninja’s mandala perspectives, allowed me to master techniques, gain skills, and produce success much faster.

During this episode, we’ll be looking at two reference points in our training that, without either one quitting (or “taking time off”) is much easier. We’ll also be taking a look at a strategic concept called, “backwards planning” as a way to get you where you want to be much quicker.

So…join me and other like-minded warrior-protectors, for another great episode of KUDEN! Radio, the podcast for YOU – the modern martial artist, Ninjutsu student, and self-defense & success-oriented individual!