E213 – KUDEN! – An Uncomfortable Truth About Warriorship

A very common theme that has run through my training, from Soke Hatsumi’s lessons and those of other master-teachers, to my Mikkyo teacher and other life mentors…was centered around a very uncomfortable truth about warriorship.

Warriorship isn’t always about fighting the enemies “out there”. Sometimes it’s about facing uncomfortable truths about ourselves, our choices, and our actions. It’s about recognizing and understanding certain truths about the universal laws that govern the way things work, regardless of what we want, or what we want to believe to be true. We’ll look at one of these during this episode.

So…join me and other like-minded warrior-protectors, for another great episode of KUDEN! Radio, the podcast for YOU – the modern martial artist, Ninjutsu student, and self-defense & success-oriented individual!