e201 – KUDEN! – The Trap of ‘Traditional’ vs. ‘Modern’ Thinking

During this episode, we’re going to be looking at a problem with the ‘traditional’ vs. ‘modern’ Ninjutsu (or any other martial art for that matter) argument that seems to dominate the realm of personal combat and self-defense training in today’s world – which one is right, does it matter, and…

…can this kind of dualistic thinking actually be a trap for both sides of the argument? As always, you’ll get my take, but not just because “Sensei said…“, or anything of the sort…but, ironically, actually looking at things from an informed historical context and perspective!

Curious? Then join me, and other like-minded warrior-protectors, for another great episode of KUDEN! Radio, the podcast for YOU – the modern, self-defense and success-oriented individual!