e184 – KUDEN! – Responsibility & the Cost of Inaction

In the business world, there’s a concept called ROI or “return on investment”. This includes the benefits of what we get for putting in the time, effort, and resources along with the accomplishment of the goal. In the martial arts and self-defense realm, this is the black belt or skills necessary to make ourselves and loved-ones safe from danger, as well as other personal development advantages.

But have you ever thought of the other end of the spectrum – which also comes from the world of business – the is COI: “Cost of Inaction”?

During this episode we’ll be looking at not only this part of the paradigm, not just within our self-defense training but in life…as well as the warrior’s relationship to responsibility which, just like respect and many other ideas that everyone thinks they know…goes deeper than the supposed obvious! Join me for this and more on this episode of KUDEN! Radio…