e183 – KUDEN! – Healthy Doubt vs Douchey Disrespect?

If you’ve been around in the martial arts and self-defense realms for any significant length of time, then you’re sure to have run into several different personality-types, both in the form of well meaning students, “outsider” naysayers (you know, the “that doesn’t work” crowd) – those who are willing to even get verbally or physically violent to prove you wrong, and even from instructors who demand unquestioning obedience.

That means that you’ve likely seen everything from blind obedience, to obnoxious disrespect, to just about everything in between. Well…

…during this episode we’ll be looking at how to have a healthy sense of doubt in your studies, without becoming an obnoxious ass not worth of a mentor’s lessons! Join me for this, and more, on this episode of KUDEN! Radio!