e182 – Elephant-Herding and…Success?

In the Ninja’s Mikkyo esoteric ‘mind science’ study, there are are more than a few symbols used to convey everything from energies, to actualized human potentials, to processes and interactions between these things. Some of these can seem fairly obvious, or at least easily grasped when you learn about them, others have meanings far beyond the obvious.

A few of these depicted on the mandala seem, even for those fairly versed in its structure and meaning, a bit more arcane unless the student understands a bit about ancient history and how the past masters would have used common occurrences as metaphors for grander success concepts.

During this episode we’ll be looking at one of these, as well-as a major limitation that can derail even the most serious student’s attempts to produce results and greater success in his or her life. Join me for this, and more, on this episode of KUDEN! Radio…