E181 – KUDEN! – Why the Ninja’s Sanmitsu Doesn’t Work!

If you’ve been studying, or at least interested in the full system of self-protection and life-mastery known an Ninjutsu (and not like those merely focused on the unarmed combat with some weapons thrown in and calling it ‘Ninjutsu’, then you’ve most likely heard of the Ninja’s power and success principle known as SANMITSU – ‘the Triple Secrets’ of Success’ But…

Have you tried putting this into practice for yourself? Have you tried using it to produce results – to create success and/or massive change in your own life, business, relationships, etc.? If so, how did it work for you?

The reason that I ask is that, for many (a lot in fact) this supposed answer to producing more significant – more powerful and lasting results…faster, easier, and with less effort…hasn’t worked at all. So, what gives? Is the Sanmitsu a solid workable principle or some contrived, woo-woo nonsense that doesn’t work at all? Join me for this, and more, on this episode of KUDEN! Radio…