e179 – KUDEN! – Fudo-Myo: Knowing When to Roar!

One of the concepts that anyone who’s been around the art of Ninjutsu for any significant length of time has heard of is that of fudo-shin (‘Immoveable heart’), which itself is also embodied by the character, Fudo-Myo ‘Immoveable Light King/Queen’, in the Ninja’s Mikkyo esoteric mind-science study of enlightened potential.

Any one of the hardest things for even the most dedicated students to get their head wrapped around is how compassion also has a wrathful, direct, and not-so-“nice” side – why it’s important to be able, and know when it’s the right action…to ROAR! Because, to most people “compassion” is always “nice”, soft and accommodating.

But, we need to explore and come to a deep understanding about how this is wrong, and why it’s important to know when to employ this side of Wisdom.

We’ll be discussing this, and more, on this episode of KUDEN Radio!