e178 – KUDEN! – Controlling the Power of Self-Talk!

One of the most common success and personal development tools taught by self-help “gurus” and used by many of those trying to create positive change, is that of positive affirmations – Using the power of speech to manifest change. But many find that these statements, supposedly having the power to change your ability to produce result; accelerate change; and create lighter, happier experience within your everyday life…just don’t live up to all the hype and woo-hoo, ‘magical’ spiritual promises.

During this episode of we’re going to take a look at why this can happen, what may be missing from one’s process, and how to really use the power of this kind of self-talk to bridge the gap, and really produce the change – the kind of power, confidence, and control – we’re looking for as someone seeking Mastery.

All this, and more, on this episode of KUDEN! Radio!